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Precious Okweye

The traffic stops counting anytime i close the app

ReplyThanks 2019/03/19 03:18:15 0 0
Please i want to know because anytime i close the app or disconnect network. The traffic stops counting, I no longer get traffic until i open app again. Am i suppose to open my system and network all day long until the traffic is complete?. I need answers and solutions ASAP
2019/03/19 19:08:20

Try to rent a windows VPS, then you can run the software at 24/7 hours all day.

Let us know if you need more help.

2019/03/24 02:09:22

Hello. What kind of resources will the VPS need? Are you available to assist in setting that up when I need it?


2019/03/25 14:31:39

Common configuration of VPS can run the software well. Or you can rent one which system is above 2008

What settings did you need please? VPS is similar with a computer, and the settings between them in the software are the same.

Let me know if you need more help.

Precious Okweye
2019/03/25 14:40:28
Am still having problems running the trafficbot pro software... Like 1.how can i make the software click on different pages on the website.2.Using google and keyword the bot does not click on my site it just skip it.3.If i click on RUN ALL SELECTED CAMPAIGN why is that it's only one that runs even after selecting all the campaign.
2019/03/27 17:32:36
Sorry for the late reply.

1, You can use the "Custom Operate" function to click different pages on your website. This software can only click the pre set page recently. You can refer to this post to know how to custom function works.

2, which page is your website ranked in Google search result page please? If you have no idea bout it, then please try to edit the page number to be larger.

3, the thread number you set must be 1. Here is the explanation of thread:
Campaign thread: the number of campaigns will run at the same time.
Debug thread: the number of debug window will open at the same time.

So if you want to run a few campaigns at the same time. You can edit the campaign/debug thread.
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